
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2017

Prak 04-Design Thinking vs 3 Poster IES 2017

1. Tujuan Memahami tugas akhir melalui design thinking 2. Alat Laptop, Smartphone, 3 poster IES 2017 3. Bahan Poster IES “Perancangan Data Acara Kendaraan Bermotor Merekam dengan Fusion Sensor Technology Membantu Rekonstruksi Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas”, “MENGEMBANGKAN MULTIMEDIA APLIKASI KONTEN BERBAGI (STUDI KASUS PENS)”, dan “Pengembangan Ubiquitous Robotika untuk Gempa dan Operasi Tsunami” 4. Dasar Teori a. Empathize The first stage of the Design Thinking process is to gain an empathic understanding of the problem you are trying to solve. This involves consulting experts to find out more about the area of concern through observing, engaging and empathizing with people to understand their experiences and motivations, as well as immersing yourself in the physical environment to have a deeper personal understanding of the issues involved. Empathy is crucial to a human-centred design process such as Design Thinking, and empathy allows design thinkers to set aside his or her

Prak 03 – Design Thinking Vs Tugas Akhir

LAPORAN PRAKTIKUM Prak 03 - Design Thinking Vs Tugas Akhir 1. Tujuan Memahami tugas akhir melalui design thinking 2. Alat Laptop, Smartphone, flashdisk 3. Bahan Buku tugas akhir “Pembuatan Aplikasi Video Streaming dengan Menggunakan WEBRTC", "Perangkat Sensor Monitoring Air untuk Posisi Tetap", dan "Pembuatan Video Explainer Tumbuh Kembang Anak Usia 0-12 Bulan" 4. Dasar Teori a. Empathize The first stage of the Design Thinking process is to gain an empathic understanding of the problem you are trying to solve. This involves consulting experts to find out more about the area of concern through observing, engaging and empathizing with people to understand their experiences and motivations, as well as immersing yourself in the physical environment to have a deeper personal understanding of the issues involved. Empathy is crucial to a human-centred design process such as Design Thinking, and empathy allows design thinkers to set aside his or her

Prak 02 - Design Thinking Vs Tugas Akhir

1. Tujuan Memahami tugas akhir melalui design thinking 2. Alat Laptop, Smartphone, flashdisk 3. Bahan Buku tugas akhir “Robot Guru Bagi Balita Untuk Pengenalan Abjad Dan Angka” 4. Dasar Teori 1. Empathize The first stage of the Design Thinking process is to gain an empathic understanding of the problem you are trying to solve. This involves consulting experts to find out more about the area of concern through observing, engaging and empathizing with people to understand their experiences and motivations, as well as immersing yourself in the physical environment to have a deeper personal understanding of the issues involved. Empathy is crucial to a human-centred design process such as Design Thinking, and empathy allows design thinkers to set aside his or her own assumptions about the world in order to gain insight into users and their needs.Depending on time constraints, a substantial amount of information is gathered at this stage to use during the next

Laporan Praktikum 1

Laporan Praktikum Mengenal Tahapan Desain Judul           Mengenal Tahapan Desain Tujuan           Mengidentifikasi Desain Alat : -Komputer                     -Media Player Bahan : Video ABC news tentang perusahaan IDEO The Deep Dive Dasar Teori : Tahapan desain adalah tahapan merubah requirement yang masih berupa konsep menjadi spesifikasi sistem yang riil Tugas Praktikum : Identifikasi tahapan - tahapan desain yang dilakukan dalam video IDEO The Deep Dive Hasil praktikum :                                   Mengetahui tahapan – tahapan desa in                                      Mengetahui permasalahan yang terdapat pada suatu barang                                      Melakukan survey untuk mengembangkan ide yang mereka punya                                                         serta untuk inovasi baru                                      Melakukan diskusi dan  pengumpulan ide – ide desain                                      Mempresentas